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How do you express Pain?

I awoke this morning, as usual, with significant ankle discomfort. It has often prevented me from going for my early morning stroll, leaving me despondent. However, I forced myself with all of my strength, or so-called willpower, to get up and move anyhow.To my surprise, a voice followed me and whispered: “Don’t fight with ME!!I […]

Dissolve To Evolve

Why am I struggling? Why still do I have to prove myself again? Why have to work hard? Why am I suffering? These questions belong to many of us, is it? Crops up very often and leaves us with the feeling of tiredness, victim, poor me, self-pity or sometimes invites sympathy of others. Yesterday, was […]


For an “Identity “, its immaterial that where it born and how it raised. Sharing a poem in, “Hindi Language”, the conversation of Paddy Plant with Banyan Tree, and the realization about “Identity”. Identity emerges through our actions and wisdom. Be courageous to embrace yourself.


Our mind is conditioned to ask for permission. But to unlock your full potential, you must learn to give yourself permission and become the owner of your life. It’s a coach’s invite to explore what is holding you ?