What is coaching

“A practice of the faith that each one has the strength within his/her self to conquer the obstacles”

As a learner and practicing coach

I explored various queries in context to the above definition. Let’s see if you have some more other than below:

  • How does a Coach Practice it?
  • What makes him/her to be in faith?
  • How one defines a situation as an obstacle or opportunity?
  • From where do the obstacles come?
  • How the exclamatory moment arises?
  • What motivates a person to take action?

These questions took me deep into the art and science of the process which is just “A CONVERSATION”. I would like to say that the coaching conversation is the art of using science and invites the “Being for Doing “.


Question Is that “How” a conversation or Communication can do?


You may not be surprised if I say Communication is the exchange of thoughts, feelings, and emotions in verbal non – verbal language. It incorporates seeing, sound, silence, and other sensations.


It’s obvious that when we use these many apparatuses there must be some rules and principles, and a sequence of their usage. This though initiated the word STRUCTURE in Coaching Conversation.


My exploration for this Structure which can answer the queries, crafted it as a Model “URD “– Uncover, Recover, and Discover.


Let’s unfold the “Know-How”, Its basic assumptions as Philosophy & Science.


“The basic principle is that people end up in pain NOT because the world(internal/External) is not rich enough to allow them to satisfy their needs, but because their representation of the world (Internal/External) is impoverished.” – NLP


  • Every human being is having the potential to craft their future.
  • The human brain has the capability to design –redesign the “approach to experience the reality”.
  • The way the brain perceives, experience, and create memories (database), depends on the Values and beliefs of an individual.

Let’s zoom in that how the above three elements frame the Model – URD and define Uncover, Recover & Discove

Uncover - The current state /reality/map/boundaries (values/beliefs)

Recover - Analyze the limitations/Emotions/ attachments and figure out what is needed.

Discover - The possibilities and new approaches/ actions.


The conversation begins with the client’s narration (referred to as the stuck position) expressed in words, emotions, and with physiology.


Art of the Process: Uncovers, the meanings, beliefs, values and needs and emotions such as fear, anxiety, ambiguity, helplessness etc.


Associated Know-How: Being of Coach which we say Coaching Mindset.


Science of the process: The brain does and defines the concept of self.

It’s the stage that open-ups the avenues to explore the “Who Part” of the Client and relates it with the needs and beliefs about their own self.


Associated Know-How: Neuroscience says all 6 regions of the Brain participate to provide the information about” beliefs about their own self.

Current State”

1. Primitive Brain: Choices/ Behavior Client shows as Fight, Flight, Freeze, appease or flock.


2. Heart Brain: How the client is perceiving/exhibits connect (internal-external) and equalizes or synchronizes.


3. Limbic Brain: Memories, and emotional cues, revealed through their words or expressions.


4. Neocortex: Interpretations by way of thinking of the current state, which turns into learnings(later) .


5. Pre-fontal Cortex: Judgment on the current state.


6. Gut Brain: Often not get proper words, at this stage.


As a result of “Uncover “ we come to know, what are the needs of clients, from where they are coming, and how s/he will conclude to make choices.

Needs: Survival, Existential, Social & spiritual. All needs have a reciprocal impact Ladder of conclusion: How clients conclude the current state.

Source : Watt Works Academy of Neuroscience


“The ability to change the process by which we experience reality is more often valuable than changing the content of our experience of reality”. NLP


Recover is based on the above principle. The conversation which is in continuation of “what client want/wishes/desire?” turns into a firm Goal.

Art of the Process: It’s like re-canvasing or would say it’s the stage where the client recognizes where s/he is and where s/he wants to go.


Associated Know-How: Curious, non-judgmental and thought-evoking inquiry to introspect with empathetic listening.


Science of the process: The art enhances the flow of “Oxytocin“ and supports the creation of new perspectives. Because now Brain Redefines the concept of self in the below sequence :


1. Gut Brain: It gives the clues of destination (desired state/goal)


2. Heart Brain: Perceiving/ exhibiting connect (internal-external) and equalize or synchronize


3. Pre-fontal Cortex: Envision future and possibilities, perspective taking, judging/ evaluating


4. Neocortex: Thinking, choices, censoring, reasoning


5. Limbic Brain: Memories and emotional cues start taking a new shape


6. Primitive Brain: Start getting pacifying signals to choices

Ladder of Interference: Inquiry about what is working and what needs to reshape or change, emerges at this stage and works as snooping to the conclusion process.

Associated Know-How: The collaborative output of the Brain, during Conversation, creates Visioning and Anchoring.


Recovery happens when new perspective/induction happens (like inducing medicine). It’s a process to give name / codify /color/ physiology (particular pose) as a target point to think about and design.


1. Visioning actually alters the chemicals in the human brain.(Neuroplasticity)


2. It creates new neural pathways for new ways of thinking and being.


3. Increases adrenaline, and oxytocin and decreases cortisol levels.


4. Gives a stronger sense of self, value, beliefs, and motivations.


5. Helps client in shifting perspectives and keeping focused on what client wants.


6. Gives a client a choice to choose his/her surroundings, people, and how a client might behave or affirm him/herself in certain circumstances and situations.


The mental act of focusing attention holds in place brain circuits associated with what is focused on.” Neuroscience and quantum physics research tell us, if you focus long enough, hard enough and often enough, you can change your neural pathways and brain circuitry. Named “Attention Density”.

Dr Jef Rey M Schwartz


Once, the conversation explores “Uncover “and “Recover” it leads to a new journey to “Discover” the new version.


Art of the Process: Capitalizing the new learnings and creating action plans with Motivation to execute.


Associated Know-How: Acknowledgment, Reflection and Curious inquiry for future.


Science of the Process: Once we change either the ingredient or process, the result will change. This approach challenges the accepted truth of the “Client”

Associated Know-How: Sustainability of “New”: Habits die hard, would say once upon a time it was valid. Principles of Neuroplasticity challenge this rule and say to address the Client’s “ANTs (automatic negative thoughts). As the primitive brain is not acquainted with the new yet. Hence the conversation incorporates the below self-inquiry for the client:

Now Point is, who will work? Neurons!!!!! That Fire together and Wire together. From uncovering to discover stage brain process thoughts and represent the NEW

Hope you are getting the “HOW “Coaching Conversation works in the Structure. It takes every thought from uncover to recover and discover stage.


Every time the “Discover Stage” of conversation initiates and motivates to create and implement action plans.


Hope you all are exploring with me to know the “HOW” of the coaching conversation. Are you resonating with the three words Uncover, Recover and Discover as TECHNIQUE BEHIND THE MAGIC?


As a practicing mentor coach would invite you to experience the change and enhance the skill of Coaching Conversation through the model URD.