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Promote as a leaf

In organizations what is Designation/Title?: The very first result of Google search, says “For identification of people in the organizations, employers, award job titles or designations to the people with the objective of identifying them with regard to responsibilities, clarity of job definitions, hierarchy, motivation, retentions and protocols, purposes.”

It ponders a thought that it’s individualized or crudely rating/labeling a person. Like 
1. Assistant/Executive/Manager/General manager
2. ++Junior/ Senior  to above

What these titles (1) define a person (S/He)? :
1. Assisting someone 
2. Executing some activity
3. Managing specific activity/ project
What do these adjectives (2) say about that person (S/He)?:
1. Age of experience 
2. Proficiency of Skill
I can sense lots of thoughts, emotions and attached esteem in FAVOUR/AGAINST above query. 
However, the intent is to invite you all to think of its REAL RELEVANCE at the time of business execution. 
• Especially when we need TEAMS to perform at their best to be COMPETITIVE.
• When we claim LEARNING and GROWTH opportunity for EACH TEAMMATE
Need to see-through if:
1. It’s just a promotion/retention gimmick
2. It’s just a title to address without its Literal Meaning (job objective)
Do employees/ professionals want to retire with COMFORT of Rewarded Designation?
Do they need AWARD CHALLENGE as an opportunity to Learn, Excel, Exhibit and Facilitate (LEAF)?

If resonating, please do write or connect at www.merakicoachin to grow LEAF for Org-TREE.


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